Since today is my day off, I’m
going to post about my artbook!
Here it is...
Kinokuniya Bookstore sold it… since I never go there (but I really want
to!) so I didn’t even know that they sell this...
Let's see the inside...
You have to open this book the way you open manga, from right to
I bought it second-hand for IDR 350.000, the actual price was IDR
440.000 or IDR 410.000... sorry I forget.. -_-v
Junjou Romantica
Junjou Egoist
And my favourite couple... Junjou Terrorist!
There are also Junjou Minimum
I love the way they mess the writing, so that it looks realistic,
not to mention, I got the same hand writing with that which made me lose at the
writing competition
Censored bath scene... damn you bubble!
If you wondering... yep! I bought the brochure along with the book
There is also a comic strips behind
I can't read kanji... (☍﹏⁰) just read the kana part though (^◇^;)
It's the end of the book
the next post I’m going to show my In These Words manga by Kichiku Neko and
TogaQ first volume… maybe tomorrow.. If I feel like doing it.. (*σ´▽`)σ
also... I changed this blog name.. not "Girls' dark world" anymore~
all for now~
до свидания~