Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Two girls clothes design (1st deisgn)

In this post, I'll post 1 cloth design that I made long time ago ^~^

The cloth that I usually design are not like a general. But I hope you are in the same taste with me (actually, sometimes Chou remind me to always made unusual Cloth TT^TT)

Left is 1 & Right is 2

Materials: I prefer to use ‘Wedges’ as the material for the bottom, and then for the shirts I suggest you to use ‘Rayon’ because the material is cooler than the other material. For the ties, you can use another material that you want.

Colour: because I really like black and white, so I prefer use those colours but, if you want to use another colour it’s ok. To make it looks more vintage, you can you any brown lines.

The first design is more suitable for people with short fat legs and then the second design is more suitable for people with long slim legs

Important!!!~> for make it more formal, use a Victorian-style shirt.





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