Thursday, June 26, 2014

Black Tea Party Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) Anthology book


It’s been quite long since the last post I made, isn’t it? Well actually I really want to post something but we had some work-out yesterday (ρω-` ) #tired

This kind of work out..

Okay! so, last night, Ageha and I, re-arrange our room and tidied up some racks and everything..  it's hard but we managed to do it.

 Our room was all messy -_- we didn’t even know where to start (_ _")

it's hard but we managed to do it. ヽ(*´∀`)人(´∀`*)ノ

LOL! it just a joke, we still have this messy spot -_-

But! we found so many interesting things that we thought we've lost it~
Like this..

And the most interesting items are these books..

Left: Junjou Romantica Artbook | Right: Black Butler Anthology book doujinshi "Black Tea Party"

Lets review the black butler anthology book first! (*・∀-)♪
Front Cover

I really like the front cover! It gives me the mysterious vibes and the title’s font is really cool~ it matches the dark themes inside even though the last doujinshi is AU

All of the pages are glossy papers and I like the chandelier motive drawn there (☆ω☆)

This is the menu~ ʕ•ܫ•ʔ

ALSO, enjoy the art!

There is a sketch of Sebastian in the end of the last doujin..

And….. here is the back cover~

Overall, the stories inside are cool.. one of the stories is really funny, when Ciel hit his puberty and grow taller and bigger than Sebastian, he gives out dark aura.. (but he is cool~! (*≧∪≦) *)

Anyway, I bought it second-hand ._.v but it's still in a really good condition afterall

And I got this.. Kyouya Hibari Postcard… for FREE! XD

I'm going to post the Junjou romantica artbook later..
Wait for me, minna! o(≧▽≦)o



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